Baytna News

The uprising revealed to us the Syria we didn’t know
The nascent Syrian civil society movement remains the torchbearer of the original ideals of the uprising and the real anchor for peace, justice, and change., writes Assaad Al Achi.

Syrian voices: Where next for European policy?
The EU’s official line continues to be that it will only provide reconstruction assistance to Syria once “a comprehensive, genuine and inclusive political transition is firmly under way”. The EU sees political conditionality and reconstruction as sources of leverage that it can use to effect political change. But is this position still tenable?

Listen to the voices of Syria
Beyond efforts to end the crisis itself, the international community should also acknowledge the invaluable role Syrian civil society can play in more immediate challenges — from resolving ethnic and political tensions in the northeast, to addressing thorny issues like internally displaced persons and refugee rights, gender representation, education, transitional justice, anti-corruption, and the impact of economic sanctions upon society.
Russia’s Syria talks in Sochi are destined for failure
Russia cannot be accepted as an honest broker or neutral convener for discussions pertaining to Syria’s future.

Without Europe, no end to Syrian bloodshed
The conflict in Syria is the defining crisis of our era. The failure to deter war crimes has given rise to the global terror threat of the Islamic State and the unprecedented refugee crisis currently facing Europe, writes Assaad Al Achi.